On this page you will find links to Bay Area food banks, if you are not in the area and/or would like to donate to your local food bank please use the button below
As more neighbors face hunger amid the effects of the coronavirus, we need your support!
While there is much uncertainty, one thing is clear: this is the time for thoughtful choices.
Communities depending on food banks will be the most impacted: families who rely on school meals for their children, low-income workers losing hours or jobs, vulnerable seniors who look to food banks for groceries.
Food banks in the United States play a pivotal role in closing gaps in food access to the nearly 42.2 million Americans who do not have reliable access to food. Food banks purchase high volumes of food and coordinate a broader range of programs and activities to serve their target populations. And since food banks buy in bulk, they wield a great deal more purchasing power than an individual person at a grocery store. Please consider donating to a virtual drive and leverage the food bank’s buying power and distribution system to connect to people experiencing food insecurity.
Over the last week, the Alameda County Community Food Bank considerably ramped up efforts to support our community:
The county has deemed them "essential" and the warehouse is open.
They’re increasing production of Emergency Food Bags. Yesterday, 150+ volunteers built more than 2,000 bags. And, that's on top of the 1,500 bags we sent to Oakland schools yesterday morning. They're aiming to build 10,000 a week moving forward.
The helpline call volume has doubled. They’re connecting more neighbors to nearby food distributions and are bringing in additional volunteers to support the increased need.
another way to fight hunger in our community - volunteer…
The ACCFB is in urgent need of volunteers to help build EMERGENCY FOOD BAGS and prepare fresh produce for our partner agencies.
Whether packing food in the warehouse, staffing the Emergency Food Helpline, assisting in the office, or helping with events and other projects, your time and efforts play a major role in ending hunger.
The Food Bank continues to do the day-in and day-out job of making sure vulnerable neighbors get the food they need. Now, they are putting solutions in place, one by one, to be able to continue providing food and helping our community prepare for whatever challenge the COVID-19 presents.
As our community deals with the COVID-19 public health crisis, neighbors experiencing or on the brink of poverty are disproportionately impacted. Working families who rely on hourly wages are scared as shifts and pay are being cut.
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley remains committed to providing nutritious food to anyone who needs it. Help Second Harvest respond to the increased need and continue providing food all throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo counties!
During these uncertain times, your gift will help our community feel secure and stay healthy.
another way to fight hunger in our community - volunteer…
Silicon Valley Strong calls on the community to lend a caring hand to people in need.
Recovery and assistance have no borders. While San Jose will take point on organizing food distribution, the principles of Silicon Valley Strong are very simple: They are going to move fast, will act comprehensively countywide, and will act as one team.
This critical, regional effort seeks volunteers to ensure food security for our most vulnerable residents among the 1.9M people in this County. They will focus delivery efforts primarily on seniors and the medically vulnerable who are urged to self-isolate for their own safety.
FeedtheKiddos.org hosts virtual food drives to support the food banks. All food collected and money donated to virtual food drive will go directly to the food banks, hence your donation is tax-deductible!
Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Legal Name: Alameda County Community Food Bank
Federal Tax ID Number: 94-2960297
SF Marin Food Bank is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Legal Name: San Francisco Food Bank
Federal Tax ID Number: 94-30441517
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Legal Name: Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
Federal Tax ID Number: 94-2614101